The importance of commercial videos in your business


From traditional television commercials to today's YouTube, Snapchat, Vimeo, Instagram and even Facebook Live, it's no secret that video has become a staple of our everyday lives.

While convenient and efficient for the consumer, video marketing provides marketers with an attractive, versatile, and extremely shareable medium to reach their audiences.

In fact, Diode Digital recently found that online video is a 600% more effective marketing tool than print and direct mail combined.

Here are just a few of the highlights:

  • 75 Million people in the U.S. watch online videos everyday.

  • Merely mentioning the word 'video' in an email subject line, the click-through rate increased by 13%.

  • Nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile device.

  • By 2019, internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic

  • Videos up to 2 minutes long get the most engagement.

  • Videos have 1000% more presentation to the audience in your facebook page than a normal text-photo post

Here are some of the main reasons of going to a video commercial :

1. Improved SEO

2. Stronger Consumer Attention

3. Higher Engagement

4. More Video-favored Technology

5. Greater Optimization Opportunities

6. Higher Retention Rates

7. Better Email Click-Throughs

8. Rise in Accessibility

9. Stronger Emotional Connections

10. Increased Customer Conversions

So, what are you waiting for ? Today is the day !

Let us know what are your needs and lets plan together a fascinating video story for your business !

UK photographer and videographer